Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day Cards

Kat has been extremely busy making Father's day cards for her Papa (Josh) and her granddads. Here's what she did:

for Papa...
And because we are who we are, we will cite the resource from which we adapted our craft/card. We got this idea from:

for Doc (Josh's Dad)...
On the back, KB wrote "Thanks for being TIED to me! Love, KB"
We stole the idea for the tie bag from But KB authored the back.

for Grandpa (My Dad)...      Front                           Inside Message

The front of this card originated with the help of . The inside is all KB with a little help from me.

for Great Granddaddy (My Grandpa)... 

On the underside flap of the toolbox, we wrote, "Thanks for giving us some tools to live life." On the back of each tool, KB wrote something that Granddaddy has taught her. Back of the wrench: "how to sing Yankee Doodle." Back of the Hammer: "how to shoot baskets while opening Christmas presents." And on the back of the saw: "how to swing in a swing: nice and high!"

The toolbox idea originated from

On a sad note, we had to make one less card this year. For KB's entire life we have made 5 Father's Day cards (KB's dad, Josh's dad and granddad, and my dad and grandpa). Josh's granddad lost a long battle to lung cancer and other illnesses on May 6, 2012. We learned an awful lot from him and miss him each day.

Happy Father's Day to the Best Fathers in the World.... hands down!