Sunday, March 2, 2014

King's College Chapel Service: England day 2

Anglican Church Services was a unique experience. This morning's service was theme was a Sung Eucharist.  For a description of the Sung Eucharist, you can click here. An all male choir sang beautiful songs in Latin as we followed along in the service booklet. Apparently, my no rhythm also applies to reading aloud during Anglican church services. I wanted to pause in all the wrong places, and some of the phrases were said quickly, almost slurred.

After the services, we went to lunch at the Anchor Pub where we ended up meeting all the students for our first book discussion. We read The Wind in Willows before traveling to England and had great literature discussions under a riverside willow tree and inside a warm pub.

At 2:20, we hopped a tour bus to travel around Cambridge. The first stop was the American War Cemetery, which is actually American soil way across the pond. We learned about intricacies of the Cambridge University System. I tried to go into the Geology Museum; however, it is closed on Sundays. So I wandered around an outdoor market where I purchased a pair of fleece-lined leggings to wear under my clothes! 48 degrees in the UK certainly is not 48 degrees in TN.
 Dinner was vegetarian Turkish at:
They had beautiful light fixtures.

1 comment:

  1. Your picture of the willow tree on the banks of the Cam bring back so many memories. That is the exact tree I looked at 28 years ago and decided I needed to bring VU students to England to experience children's literature in a different way! So happy all is going well.
