Monday, May 28, 2012

Two Hats on Memorial Day

Yes, yes, yes. Kathryn is wearing a North Face ear warmer under a striped hat on Memorial Day in the SOUTH (It was 94 degrees today)!
However, there is a purpose and a method to this crazy madness that I support. If you look closely (in between her body and the blur of a spinning hula hoop), you will see a headphone cord. See it. It's white. She is wearing both the ear warmer and hat to insure that her earbuds stay in her ears as she listens to her audiobook while hula hooping. So you see, I have to support this insane wardrobe choice as she is enhancing her vocabulary listening to a challenging book, transacting with the story as she commands the characters to take actions that will help them and defends their choices to whoever is causing them angst in the story, and continuing to LOVE texts of all kinds. 

Read away, Kathryn, read away... 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Step 1 Confessions of an Inept Blogger

"Hi. My name is Emily, and I a struggling blogger and recovering perfectionist."

Now, you return my greeting with something similar to, "Hi, Emily. You and your shortcomings are welcome here."

Step 1:
Apparently, I am not a good blogger. I think of great things to write, I draft these groundbreaking ideas, and then they disappear. No. Seriously. I drafted "Wisdom from a 7 yo" and now I can't find it. Where did it go? I don't know. I am completely powerless over blogger.

Holy smokes... there are more steps. I need a break.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Wisdom from a Seven Year Old

Upon seeing an older, thinnish man with a long white beard, KB said, "All he needs is a big red suit and some bacon and donut magic, and we'd have Santa." hahaha!!!! Bacon and donut magic!

Josh and I were discussing principals when KB said, "If the principal isn't happy, she needs to eat some chocolate and get happy or leave the school."