Here's the story.
I sit down to look through graded papers that have been sent home in Kathryn's folder that comes home from school each day. There are lots of smiley faces :) and number grades. There are also standards based grades (Meets, Exceeds, etc...), but there is this one comment that continues to stick with me.
On a timeline report of the changes of the bicycle over time, Kathryn has drawn an early 1900s bicycle. You know the ones that look like this:
She also drew a mid 1900s bicycle and her bicycle that is a couple years old. I'm thinking this is a pretty neat assignment. Under each of her drawings, she has written a caption. The first caption reads, "It looks funny. This bike is from a long time ago and has a big front wheel." Sweet, right?
Wrong. This is what I see instead:
"Try not to use bias in your writing."
Um... she's 7, and it does look funny!